The Rise of Sports Betting and It’s Impact on College Basketball

By: Joshua Anderson

With college sports gaining attention worldwide, particularly basketball in the NCAA, a concern for gambling gaining traction amongst college students and athletes. The legalization of gambling and sports betting has sparked the discussion of the impact of these activities on students and athletes.

As of 2025, 38 states have made sports betting legal. According to a study conducted by the NCAA in 2023, approximately 58% of students between ages 18-22 placed at least one sports bet within the last year. The number climbs to 67% for students that live on campus, this supports the theory that sports betting is becoming embedded in college culture.

Reports have shown that approximately 6% of college students are facing serious gambling addictions that can lead to financial ruin and detrimental impact on their studies. It has also been found that 57% of male student-athletes and 37% of female student-athletes engage in gambling with 45% of those cases experiencing anxiety in relation to betting outcomes and 60% experiencing stress from fans gambling expectations. The pressure of sports betting extends beyond the court. Student-athletes increasingly face harassment from disgruntled bettors on social media, particularly when they miss free throws, commit turnovers, or fail to meet statistical expectations. Some players have reported receiving threats or abuse online from those who lost money on wagers.

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The NCAA does recognize the importance of this issue and has taken steps to address it through programs that aim at education as well as other initiatives. “We need to continue to focus on education and additional harm prevention techniques in this space,” NCAA President Charlie Baker said. “Most young people are exposed to gambling while they’re in high school, and by the time they graduate college, some develop an unhealthy relationship with betting. We are focused on supporting student-athletes and providing them with resources to combat these behaviors.”
Sports betting has undeniably fueled greater interest in college basketball. With mobile betting apps making it easier than ever to place wagers, fans are more engaged in games beyond their alma maters or powerhouse programs.

This brings to question the ethics of sports betting by putting in question the integrity of players who might be looking to make bets come true. College athletes, unlike their professional counterparts, are not compensated at the same level, making them more vulnerable to external influences. There have been growing fears of point-shaving scandals, where players may be pressured to manipulate game outcomes. Television ratings and live game attendance have seen noticeable upticks, as bettors have more reasons to tune in.

In response, the NCAA has reinforced its stance against student-athletes engaging in sports betting and has imposed stricter regulations. Athletes found betting on their own games or any NCAA events face severe consequences, including suspensions or loss of eligibility. As sports betting evolves, so will the regulations and though there are no long term solutions to sports betting, resolutions will continue to be discussed.

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